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You refer. We do the work. Kids benefit!

We are the TSE Group, a husband-and-wife real estate team with Keller Williams Boston Metrowest and your neighborhood Realtor®. We are proud to be part of this amazing community with our beloved daughters - Emmalyn and Norah - who are currently attending WHS and Fales, which they absolutely enjoy.

We enjoy networking with parents, teachers, and businesses to promote educational excellence and to build a strong community. We started this Fales Family and Friends Referral, which is affiliated with FPG in September 2018, since then we have had 6 sales and many referrals from the school parents and friends. FPG has received a total donation of $1,560 to help the school and kids. We believe that FFFR has had a positive impact on students, teachers and school and we are asking for more support from each of you! To support the school, our teachers, our kids by putting us to work.

For any referral from the neighborhood or school parents, we will donate $10 to the Fales Parent Group; in addition, we will also donate another $100-$300 for every sales from the referral. With support from families and friends, we are very optimistic this can be a solid and steady stream of funds to the school If I have all your support.

If you are planning to sell or buy a property or have a referral of anyone who needs real estate assistance, please complete this form and return it to the FPG or to either of us. You refer. We do the work. Kids benefit!